Oh, the sex life of a camel, Is stranger than anyone thinks, For in an amorous moment, He tried to make love to the sphinx, But the sphinx's posterior oriphous, Is clogged by the sands of the Nile, Which accounts for the hump on the camel, And the sphinx's inscrutable smile.
A40 made up half the field. Each lap the peloton was multi-colored as it came towards us and a sea of A40 green as it rolled away. We had a new girl show up and she beat one of my teammates and tied another. Butterfly, Snowflake and Dbag broke away with seven to go or something. Dbag shelled himself going for a sprint. Everyone roared when he answered his hecklers with "Just wait" as he rolled by with five to go. Apparently we're still waiting. Isaias had perfect position behind Nole for the entire last lap and still got owned and even recieved a Lance-Armstrong-look-back as Snowflake walked away with the final sprint.
This Wednesday is the last Track Fights and is also a Team Comp. Bring your boys. Actually with how well the women have faired out here you might be better off leaving the boys on the couch and bringing your women. Oh, and we also have a shit-ton of primes and beer we need to get rid of.
We are adding a team overall competition for the final. Get your strategy together and bring your teammates. We will be following a scoring system similar to that used in collegiate racing.
Update: the previous system was too complex so I'm revising it. Team points go ten deep based on placing in the final results and the top three riders from each team count towards the team total. Done.
Ireland, Belgium, and France have been very kind to Brenna and I these last three weeks. Great beer, great wine, great cheese... and after three weeks of non-cycling, you guys had better watch out for my new, svelt figure!
If ever there was a pack of smokes that said "You're gonna die." this is that pack. Black box with red highlights. They are actually pretty good. Nice woody flavor that doesn't build up too fast when I'm smoking a lot of them. I'd say they are better than all the other American Spirits I've tried. That woody flavor comes from the oak whiskey barrels that the leaves are aged in. There's a great video on Perique tobacco here.
This is my last review. I'm switching to rollies to get ready for cross.
Results are up. Nothing funny this time. Sorry. Nick won again. Masterbates raced with his blood clot. None of my teammates got lapped for the first time. (Hey, we're holding Track Fights for a reason.) Karla continued her beat down on the men. Marissa appears to want in on that action too. We had a bunch of ties and we were actually able to break some of them with their finish in the final sprint. Also, the best turnout yet. 26 total, 7 in the Bs, 19 in the As.